School Performance Data

Longford SAT results

Pupils included in the 2022/23 school performance data will have experienced varying levels of disruption to their schooling due to the pandemic.  Staff at Longford have continued to engage with professional development to implement and embed high quality teaching strategies in line with our curriculum intent and school development priorities:

Quality of Education:

Behaviour and Attitudes:

Personal Development:

Leadership and Management:


KS1/2 Performance Data 2023

ARE = Age Related Expectation

GDS = Working at Greater Depth within the standard


Reading Writing Maths

% achieving ARE

% achieving GDS % achieving ARE % achieving GDS % achieving ARE % achieving GDS
57% 19% 43% 8% 73% 16%


Year 6 marks the end of Key stage two.  Statutory assessments are carried out during the summer term.  Pupils complete tests in reading, maths and grammar, spelling and punctuation.  Pupils knowledge and understanding in writing is teacher assessed using work completed in lessons.

A scaled score of 100 represents the expected standard on the test (Age Related Expectation). Pupils scoring 100 or more will have met or exceeded the expected standard on the test.  

A pupils progress score is the difference between their actual KS2 result and the average result of their prior attainment group.  The average progress scores how how much progress pupils made on average between the end of key stage 1 and the end of key stage 2, compared to pupils across England who got similar results at the end of key stage 1. 

  Reading Writing Maths Spelling, Grammar & Punctuation RWM combined
Achieving ARE Achieving GDS Achieving ARE Achieving GDS Achieving ARE Achieving GDS Achieving ARE Achieving GDS Achieving ARE Achieving GDS
2023 results 64% 21% 62% 0% 66% 4% 68% 32% 49% 0%
Average scaled score


N/A 101 104 N/A
Progress score -1.23 (Average) -2.53 (Below average) -1.64 (Average) N/A N/A

For historical information and to access the School Performance Tables as published by the government on the Department for Education website please click on the link below.

DfE Website

The Longford Code

Driven by curiosity, we develop our understanding through collaboration, skilfully exploring and reflecting upon new concepts.
We readily take on challenges with resilience, as we become resourceful, creative life-long learners.
We are well-informed and make positive contributions to our communities.
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